Dr Mahmoud Alkholany is a consultant in pain medicine and Anaesthesia at Liverpool University Hospitals.
Ain Shams University
He qualified from a prestigious medical school in Cairo, Egypt at Ain Shams University. He finished the residency program in Anaesthesia, Critical care and Pain medicine and gained a Master of science in Anaesthesia after which he was appointed as a teaching assistant in the same University.
Moving to and working in Saudi Arabia
He moved to Saudi Arabia in 2011 where he worked between the independent sector and King Abdul-Aziz University Hospital in Jeddah.
Moving to and working in Newcastle upon Tyne in the UK
He moved to the UK in 2013 where he carried on with further training at Newcastle University Hospitals as an international training fellow under the medical training initiative of the Royal college of Anaesthetists.
Moving to and working in Manchester in the UK
He moved to Manchester in 2015 where he worked as senior clinical fellow at Manchester University Hospitals then joined the national training program.
Joining the National training program in the UK
Dr Alkholany joined the highly competitive national training program in the UK in 2017 where he carried on with further world class training in Anaesthesia including advanced training in Pain medicine until he received his Consultant job at Liverpool University Hospitals.
Consultant at Liverpool University Hospitals
Dr Alkholany joined Liverpool University Hospitals, one of the major teaching tertiary centres in the country serving large population within Merseyside in the Northwest of the UK and beyond, as a consultant in Pain medicine and Anaesthesia and also as honorary consultant in Cancer pain management at Marie Curie hospice delivering high quality care to his Pain patients within a multidisciplinary setup.
Our Mission
Supporting our patients in achieving and regaining the quality of life and level of functioning they are aspiring to which has been compromised by long standing pain.
Our Vision
Chronic pain is a complex disorder, more than just the result of a biomedical cause, hence we believe that successful management needs to follow a holistic approach that addresses this potential biomedical disorder but also minds any physical deconditioning or psychologic distress that could be the cause or the consequence of this chronic pain disorder and empowering our patients with self-management skills to be able to cope with chronic pain.
Areas of interest
His areas of interest in Pain medicine are:
Musculoskeletal pain arising from large joints (hips, knees and
shoulders) and spine
Headache and facial pain disorders (Migraine, cluster headache, Trigeminal neuralgia)
Cancer pain
Interventions offered
Wide Range of ultrasound guided and X ray guided interventional procedures
Low back pain and Neck pain
X ray guided lumbar diagnostic Medial branch block and conventional RF denervation for low back pain arising from facet joints
X ray guided selective nerve root block and pulsed radiofrequency for radicular pain
X ray guided SIJ injection and radiofrequency denervation for low back pain arising from SIJ
X ray guided cervical facet joint injection and conventional radiofrequency denervation for neck pain.
Shoulder pain
US guided suprascapular and Axillary nerve block and Pulsed radiofrequency for shoulder pain.
US guided shoulder joint hydro dilation, AC joint injection, subacromial injection for shoulder pain.
X ray guided diagnostic suprascapular, Axillary and lateral pectoral nerve block and conventional RF denervation.
Hip pain
Combined X ray/US guided diagnostic hip articular branch block and conventional RF denervation for chronic hip pain.
US guided trochanteric bursa injection for greater trochanteric pain syndrome.
US guided hip joint injection.
Knee pain
X ray guided diagnostic knee genicular branch block and conventional RF denervation for chronic knee pain.
US guided knee joint injection.
Cancer pain
X ray guided smypathtic plexus (Coeliac, lumbar , hypogastric, ganglion of impar) block and neurolysis for visceral cancer pain.
US guided intercostal nerve and fascial plane block for chest wall pain 2ry to breast or lung cancer.
Headache and facial pain
Botox injection for chronic Migraine
US guided occipital nerve block for chronic headache
Master of Science
Master of Science in Anaesthesia MSc, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt
Fellowship of Royal College
Fellowship of Royal College of Anaesthetists FRCA
European Diploma
European Diploma of Intensive Care EDIC
Fellowship of Faculty of pain medicine
Fellowship of Faculty of Pain medicine FFPMRCA
Postgraduate certificate in medical education
Postgraduate certificate in medical education, Edge Hill University
Malignant Hyperpyrexia
Alkholany M, Rogers T. Malignant Hyperpyrexia: A Quality Improvement Project. Vol. 35, e-Supplement 56, European Journal of Anaesthesiology. 2018. P.354-355.
Wong D, Harris S, Moonesinghe S et al. Cancelled operations: a 7-day cohort study of planned adult inpatient surgery in 245 UK National Health Service hospitals. British journal of Anaesthesia 121 (2018) pp. 730-738.
Peri-operative pain management for major abdominal surgery in arthrogryposis multi-plex congenita.
Alkholany M, Abdelghani M and Shanmugam M Peri-operative pain management for major abdominal surgery in arthrogryposis multi-plex congenita. Vol. 72(Suppl.3), Anaesthesia. 2017. P.71.